Yesterday the power was out for longer than usual, for about seven hours, from 2 pm until 9 pm. It gets dark at seven every night year round since we're on the equator. We soon got tired of trying to read by candlelight, so we decided we'd make popcorn on our propane stove and invite the girls from the apartment downstairs to join us. A friend had recommended this brand of popcorn that comes in a can and it turned out to be quite tasty.
The girls, Teresa and Jean, are teachers at the international school nearby. We had a nice time getting to know them. Teresa grew up in Kenya and attended Rift Valley Academy where Scott is going. Jean is from New Jersey and knew where Ocean City is, my favorite place in the world, so I instantly felt a deep and lasting bond with her. I'm not sure she felt it too. Anyway, it's encouraging to see young people putting their faith into action by serving people around them. They're an example to us.
I'd also like to take this opportunity to wish Paul's mom, Ginny, a happy birthday. May we all be as full of life, as game, and as caring as she is when we grow up. Happy birthday, Bestemor!
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