Thursday, September 10, 2009

Bad day for EMI

Engineering Ministries International, the group Paul came to Uganda with, sent a team to Kenya last week to work on a facility design for a ministry group. Paul wasn't in the group, but it was people we know from our office here in Kampala. Yesterday morning while the group was out to breakfast, thieves broke into their hotel room and stole three computers, credit cards, and hundreds of dollars in cash. From what we heard, the group's driver saw the thieves running off but either didn't realize whose things they had or thought it too dangerous to follow them.

The good news was that information for the project wasn't taken, so the group can continue on. Also, the group's passports weren't stolen so everyone will be able to return to Uganda. There's a glimmer of hope that police will catch the thieves, but barring a genuine miracle, it's unlikely.

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