Next stop is the living room. The furniture was all provided for us, which was nice to have when we arrived. Draped over a corner of the couch is my green scarf-apron. I noticed Ugandan women wrap a scarf or other large piece of material around them, like an overskirt, when they work. Since I'm used to wearing an apron at home it seemed like a practical solution, plus it's kind of pretty. Over the back of the far chair is a waxed fabric wall hanging we bought at a craft market last week. We'd like to put it up so we have something on our walls, but you need special tiny tacks to put things up with since the walls are - what? cement? - something hard and brittle that chips if you put a nail in. So, till we find those elusive tiny tacks, the wall hanging decorates the chair.
The other picture is our dining/everything table. When the picture was taken it was attractively decorated with our malaria pills and cookie box, among other things. And, as always, our lifeline, the computer.
On a non-house note, we're in the midst of a money snafu as I write. The ATMs have stopped accepting our debit card. All transactions are conducted in cash here, so no ATM means no money, which means we're in trouble if we don't get this figured out soon. Although we could get a cash advance through our EMI account, so we won't starve. We're curious about what happened, and so far our bank in Corvallis can't figure it out either. Meanwhile, Paul walked quite a few miles today in the Ugandan heat going from ATM to bank to ATM trying to find out if there was one that worked. I had given him a haircut last night, shorter, he said, than he's had since third grade (oops). He could feel the sun burning his scalp, so when he was on back roads he held his hands over his head and even took his shirt off at one point to use as a hat. Those crazy muzungus (whites).
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