Semei and Winnie after the wedding. Aren't those kids cute in front of them? The wedding was a lot like an American wedding, with music, an exchange of rings, vows, and a sermon.

The wedding cakes at the reception

The wedding dinner was served buffet style. The food was similar to what we had at the introduction the night before. Starting with the potato at the top of the plate (referred to as "Irish" in Uganda, as in "Do you want Irish or posho with your sauce?") and moving clockwise, there's matooke (cooked plantains) with groundnut sauce, rice, chapatti (Indian flatbread), and pumpkin and mixed vegetables.
Thanks so much for posting the pictures! It is great to see Semei and his new bride! We so wish we could have been there and had some of the matokee & gnut sauce! YUM!!!
ReplyDelete- Chad