We have an inventor in the family! Many of you know that Paul started working on a home water-purification system about a year and a half ago. The idea was to use ultraviolet light to purify a couple liters of water at a time, using a hand crank for power. His hope was to provide another way besides boiling for people in third world countries to purify their water.
Getting a patent on this device has been a long and illuminating experience. Paul got word a couple days ago that the patent had been approved. There will still be some time and money involved before he has the patent in his hands, but it's coming. Paul would be the first to tell you that he has not come this far alone. There have been a number of talented and caring friends who have contributed along the way. Now, if we can just get the money to develop the product...anyone know any investors out there who want to save lives by giving people pure drinking water?
If you can't come up with an investor for us, how about a name for the invention? We've wracked our brains and come up blank. There's sure to be an...amazing...prize for the winner.
On another water-related note, scroll down a couple posts to learn about water improvements in Kapachirya, Uganda. For some reason the post was loaded out of order. You don't want to miss it!
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