The photos are from Scott's and my trip to Karamoja in early December. The top one shows Scott waiting for the next load to go on top while Val Shean attends to a minor problem underneath. Halfway to our destination, we encountered a more major mechanical problem: a leaking fuel filter. We fixed it using strips cut from a spare inner tube. The last photo was taken by Scott from atop the car shortly after our arrival in the village.
We see lots of commercials touting the ruggedness of SUVs--here's a place where it means something. Rural travel (and frequently in Kampala) means bouncing over dirt roads and dodging potholes. It also means fitting in as many people, things, and animals as a vehicle could possibly hold. Here's a challenge. Figure out how you can fit 11 people, two boxes of food, a few jerry cans of water, two lanterns, and two chickens in the vehicle that's shown above. Okay, it was a trick question. It's not just in but on. We had two in the front seats, four in the second seat, two squeezed in the back cargo area (along with the chickens), and three on top (including Scott). (Moms, that wasn't for highway driving, just for the back roads, so your grandson wasn't at too much risk.)
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