As a refresher, the Ngenge Sub-county is a rural area of eastern Uganda. The Ngenge water project consists of repairing broken boreholes and installing new ones to serve the 10,000+ people living in 35 villages of this area. The goal is to improve their potable water supplies and to do so sustainably, meaning that few or no outside resources will be needed in future years. All involved agreed that training was crucial.
After much preparation and planning, we launched two of the training courses this past week. One was WASH (water and sanitation hygiene) community training and the other was a hand pump mechanics training class for four young men from four of the villages. I'll describe these courses more in later posts.
The top photo shows the JOY Drilling training team. JOY Drilling is one of the community development arms of the Deliverance Church located in Lira, Uganda. They've provided similar training in several other villages. Rev. David, the Church of Uganda director for community development for the Ngenge Sub-county, is shown in the lower photo introducing the training programs and JOY Drilling staff to the people attending the training in the lower photo. Looking at this picture of the villagers reminds me of Jesus' words,
When did we see you ... thirsty and give you something to drink? ...
The King will reply, "I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of
the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me." (Matthew 25:37, 40)
We're doing this together. You, back home, praying, encouraging, and supporting us. Karen and I, here in Uganda, doing our part.
I'm excited that it's underway. Look for updates in the coming weeks.