Saturday, June 20, 2009

Scott accepted at RVA; plans progressing

We were pleased to learn that Scott was accepted at Rift Valley Academy. It's a relatively large school with a rich history and many opportunities. It was founded to serve missionary kids and still does for the most part. (I think; we'll learn more at the orientation when we drop Scott off.) The odd thing is that it will put us in two countries. RVA is located in Kenya, Uganda's neighbor to the east.

Meanwhile, the details are keeping us busy, things like insurance (leaving behind my work policy for a year and picking up an international package, changing car insurance), cell phone changes, plane tickets, and, joy, shots. Our tentative plan is to leave from PDX on August 11th, spend a few days with my cousin and her husband (Julie and Steve) in London, leave London on the 16th and arrive in Uganda on August 17th. We'll all three spend about a week in orientation with EMI and then fly with Scott to Nairobi to deliver him to RVA. Then it's home (?!?) to Kampala, Uganda, and on to water things.


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