Sunday, January 24, 2010

Mom and Ken

I had hoped to post pictures of my mom and brother here in Kampala, but the internet didn't cooperate. They arrived fine on Wed. morning at 3:30 with some of their luggage, and the rest arrived a couple days later. We've done some shopping at craft markets and visited the fish market at the edge of Lake Victoria. It maybe hasn't been the most exciting time, but I think just being in Africa for the first time provides enough excitement for most people. A highlight for me was seeing Mom ride a boda boda (motorcycle taxi). She only did it once, but hey, she did it.

We'll leave early tomorrow morning for the Ngenge villages where Paul is working. He plans to check on the well work that is just getting started. I think it will be quite interesting for Mom and Ken to see. Then after an overnight back in Kampala we'll head off on safari. Our driver on both trips will be the intrepid Farouk, who took us on safari with the kids.

More later.

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