This is our bedroom. As you can see, there's not a lot in it except the bed, dresser, and mosquito net. At night we untie the big knot the net is in and drape it over the four posts on the corners of the beds. We've had few mosquitoes anyway, so the net probably isn't really necessary, but it's easy to open out so we do. The bed's mattress is just a piece of foam, which is a typical mattress here, but it's comfortable enough and we sleep well.
In Paul's last post he mentioned that our water tank had run dry. He figured that the city had failed to pump water for a day or two and that was why it had run out. We were puzzled, though, because the EMI interns in the apartment next door had water. Paul did a little exploring and found out that someone had turned the valve off leading to our tank. Once we had used up the water already in the tank no more was going in to refill it. Why did someone turn the valve off? Who turned the valve off? We have no idea. Anyway, it was a quick and easy fix to turn the valve on so that was nice.
I've baked twice! Pretty successfully! I made chocolate chip cookies to send to Scott over the weekend and cinnamon rolls yesterday. This isn't really a big deal, but it feels a little like a big deal to me. I suppose it's because I had to overcome a number of small obstacles to accomplish it. I may have mentioned that bake ware is hard to find and very expensive when you do find it, so I ended up baking the cookies on flat aluminum pan lids and the cinnamon rolls in a rusty old 9x13 pan we'd found in the office that I lined with foil. Ingredients are slightly different too, as are measurements (I used the computer to translate grams to cups and fahrenheit to celsius). We were disappointed to find that the cookies I had put in a plastic container were covered with ants a few hours later - I had neglected to press one corner of the container down tightly. We were determined not to give up our cookies,though, so we spent about 20 minutes brushing every last ant off those cookies and putting the cookies in a different tin.
Karen- your excitement over baking twice reminds me of when Cindy was in Lesotho with the Peace Corps and she wrote me a letter (she didn't have access to the internet) exclaiming her excitement over baking for the first time too and how it seemed like a big deal because it wasn't as simple as it is here in the US- so great work and congrats on your baking! I love reading your blog!!
ReplyDeleteDeb M.